Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vote Of Confidence...

Been staying away from the internet a bit. The energy across the stratosphere seemed heavy. After election night the comments were running rampant to the point I saw people I love become strangers right in front of my eyes. Their personalities shifted to this angry and frustrated beings which at that point I decided that if I ever wanted to once again engaged with them I would have to:

A. Hide statuses on Facebook. 
B. Unfriend them.( MD weapon used by many) 
C.  Unplug.

I chose C. I worked offline and worked in the real world allowing me to make a few new contacts and attend a few local events. 

But I did have an opinion and I did want to hash it out with someone. The difference between those on Facebook and me? I chose Baby M. to do the complaining to. She listen attentively to my state of the union and her repeating the names of the candidates is one of the funniest things ever.


Last night was opening night for Ms.M. I am in awe of her. The confidence, persistence and determination with her work is admirable. The way she is with her friends, her sister and brother... with me. 


I hope she always keeps that fighting spirit and I hope she never quits doing what she loves.


Its almost Monday a brand new week. I for one am getting tired of hiding and I won't follow suit. I am here to tell you that I am not obedient or well behaved and more times than not I love rocking the boat. But after much thought and reflection I have chosen to stand in the corner naked... Cry out even in public. Because I can do vulnerability. Not for long because my soul gets bored with any party including the pity ones. I can also tell you there is nothing poetic here just another one of my rebellious yell for the sake of self expression.


Hope each one of you is having a great weekend.
Stay Sweet Peeps...


  1. Love the expressions on your daughter's face. She is so cute. :)

    From time to time it is good to unplug. It helps us remain connected to what is most important. I do it ever so often and it is wonderful.

    xo Tami

  2. Lovely pics, as always. I relate to what you shared about people you know, and their reaction to the election. I haven't engaged in Political discourse mainly because people turn into rabid dogs, even those we know well. They cease to be the person we know during those times. I just avoid involvement.

    Enjoy your Sunday! :)

  3. preciosos gestos los de las niƱas ,nada que ver con las caras de fiera de los politicos ,defendiendo su presa,sin compartir con el pueblo,has echo una buena eleccion,mejor la familia

  4. Really great photos. Las ninas super preciosas.
    I also did some re-charging this weekend because there is a lot of work yet to be done.

  5. Great pictures, Adri! The girls are so beautiful. I hear you about peeps surprising you with words and perspectives that are NOTHING you expected.*lol* I've gone into the "hiding" business. Miss you, Mama. Never feel guilty about unplugging. Es bueno para la cabeza de vez en cuando. xoxo

  6. Hmmm.. I played the "hide" button on posts that were negative and still continue to be so even after the elections. BB doesn't do negative or catty- crazy, always but catty? Not my style. So I agree with you on the hiatus call and hope we all get through this soon. BB2U

    p.s. Great pics como siempre- y Ms.M's spirit? I seem to have seen that somewhere... ; )

  7. I too stay away from the political debates. Maybe that's why I've been in a funk. Your phtoos look great and I'm so happy you got to reconnect to the offline world =]

  8. with those two lovelies! who can blame ya?

  9. Miss M is a super star and Baby M is precious. I love the new music on the blog.

  10. Those babies are beautiful inside and out! It shows.

    I agree - opinions are not even worth the breath taken to express them - so I don't. Don't argue, even tho that seems to anger people more than expressing an opinion!


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