Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Forbidden Garden

It is almost summertime in Savannah.
I am awash with glitter and stardust.
I come bearing flowers and berries.
Ready to explode into the cosmos.

Forbidden Garden
Design by Dante Tyler
MUAH by Verando Marshall
Jewelry by Samson Smith

Monday, May 2, 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kids On The Block...

I have been searching for some raw unadulterated inspiration. Pure unfiltered and honest. For days and nothing...
I have changed the living room furniture around... Only to go back to the original setting. Made up a thousand recipes from the leftover Easter ham. Cut my hair and bought a new lipstick. Searching high and low and looking for inspiration as if they were my car keys and I had misplaced them... Then a knock on the door...

The kids on the block...
Not certain if it was the sunlight or their spirit... They filled me up like a bouquet of mylar balloons and I am now ready to create...

To whomever stumbles upon these images and words ...
Happy Springtime.

Monday, November 23, 2015


Model: Amy H.
Makeup: Maia L.
Photography: Adriana I.
Location: Gardens.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

White Flag...

I look at him through red eyes that are swollen which mask my origin.  
Unaware if I am happy, I falter. 
I am a mix of fear and anger.
Laced with a bit of sadness and weakness.
Stuck between shades of green, grey and blues.
I look at him and tell him life is so hard for this heart of mine.
He shakes his head in disbelief knowing that I am the girl from that one sad song.


The other day I felt as if there wasn't one soul on this earth frustrated with me.
The other day I felt as if I was carrying the weight of the galaxy on my shoulders. 
The other day I felt that  if I created  accordingly it would be clear I have surrendered...

White Flag
Model: Carolyn A.
Photography & Concept: Adriana I.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


*unedited stream of consciousness...

It is not a comeback I have been here for years. There is rebirth and hibernation and I partake in the process.  There are nights when my whole body is on fire and my fingers want to burn through these pages like a girl smokes a cigarette on prom night.  For this is where I ran when I felt all alone. Me... in my truest form I run to what I know. Searching for connections like that one light bulb on the xmas lights strand we keep tightening with the hope of brilliance. 

The cycles of life can be so chaotic and at times I just laugh and those around wonder why...

But it is life that have taught me to laugh as hard as I can even when those moments seem inopportune... even when it seems rude. 

Because I know nothing lasts forever, because I know everything is so fleeting and life can be aggressive when it takes things you love from you. I laugh because even what seems promised it never is. At times what I fear the most is what I already know.

I came home one afternoon to find a neighbor's garden filled with flowers. Cantaloupe color buds and flowers that for some reason filled me with sorrow and inspiration. 

Maybe it was the weatherman's fault for broadcasting over the airwaves right as I pulled up that there would be rain. I pictured the buds and flowers wilting after they've waited all year for this one moment of splendor. Enduring all the elements for this one week in Spring and the show would last one day. It is such notion that filled me sorrow. 

I called upon the muses to show their face and help me paint with light this cantaloupe and tangerine dream I had... Thanks Amy.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Savannah Stopover V

A year ago I documented bits and pieces from the Savannah Stopover festival. What is the Stopover? Savannah Stopover Music Festival capitalizes on the logistic of Savannah, Georgia’s proximity to interstates 95 and 10 by presenting traveling musicians with a welcoming place to play en route to Austin's prestigious SXSW Music Conference.

This year I was assigned to document all of our local bands for Do Savannah. Twenty different acts posed in front of my lens and I learned so much about my craft and the human spirit. I will always be grateful for the experience. 

Sharing a few of my favorites that did not make it to print and if you ever find yourself looking a for a good music festival may I suggest Savannah Stopover.

Black Water Choir

Wave Slaves

Crazy Bag Lady

A.M. Rodriguez


Boy Harsher


Wet Socks


Velvet Caravan

Saint Corsair

Heavy Boots

